Dude, Where's my car ?
No, this post is not a review of the 2000 American comedy movie starring Ashton Kutcher (for those who haven't heard of it, click here) . This is about my experience trying to buy a Maruti Suzuki Swift from a dealer in Chennai. I booked it on June 8th, 2005 and there have been problems ever since (my recent letter below explains this in more detail). I had initally chosen the 'silky silver' colour (nothing silky about it), but then changed my mind to the red (not because I'm a tifosi). I thought making this change should be relatively straightforward, given that the delivery period was more than 8 weeks. However, I was informed by my dealer, as well as local Maruti executives, that there is no way this is possible. As a shot in the dark, I decided to shoot off an email to the CEO describing the situation. I googled for his email address, but did not find it on the net. Instead, I found other Maruti email addresses and used the structure (firstname.lastname@maruti.co.in) to get the CEO's email address. To be honest, I did not expect any response whatsoever, but was pleasantly surprised when I got a reply the next morning from someone at Maruti, asking for the details. In two days the whole issue was sorted out and the colour was changed. Google is making an impact on people's lives !
This is the full text of my letter to Jagdish Khattar, CEO of Maruti Udyog Limited:
Dear Mr. Khattar,
It is with extreme disappointment and distress that I write to you once again, but this time I have been left with no choice. I booked a Maruti Swift VXi on June 8th 2005. The booking was made through CARS India, Chennai. At the time of booking, I was told that that approximate wait time was 8 weeks and this is mentioned on the order booking form (duly signed by the dealer). My Allotment No. is 1403-0019025.
After the initial estimated date had passed (August 8 2005, 8 weeks), I called the dealer and was duly informed that there are more delays due to 'production issues at Maruti'. I was then told that car would be delivered in September. Later this was modified to either the last week of September or first fortnight of October. I have now been told (only after I called) that I will not be receiving it in the first two weeks of October. Further, no committment has been made on when I will receive it. It is ironic that a car with a waiting period of over 16 weeks is called Swift !
What makes the delay all the more disappointing is the level of service (or the lack thereof), during this period. At no point, not even once, has anyone from the dealer to Maruti called me to inform me of the delay or explain plausible reasons for the delay. Every single time, I have had to call and find out about the delivery update (if any).
Someone known to me booked the SAME car (Swift), SAME model (VXi), from the SAME dealer (CARS India, Chennai), at the SAME date (June 8, 2005) and SAME time (7:00 pm). His Allotment No. was 19024, while mine is 19025. Only the colour is different. He received delivery of the car last Friday (September 30, 2005). While I agree that is reasonable to have some variation depending on the colour, the extent of this variance cannot be significant. Even at this point, neither the dealer nor the Maruti is able to tell me a date by which I can expect the car. Not receiving the car is bad enough, but it is completely ridiculous if I can't be told when I will receive the car, after four months of waiting. When I contacted the dealer, I was told that they have no information from Maruti about this. The dealer has forced me to speak directly to Maruti, and hence this email.
Another important fact is that the dealer has received nearly the full payment from my side (excluding registration fees). I am currently paying interest on the loan, which I took based on the estimated 8-week waiting period given by the dealer at the time of booking. I have been told that I will be compensated for the interest payments, but I am not clear about the rate of interest I will receive. The minimum I expect is the rate Maruti Finance charges for its auto loans. I also believe the compensation I receive should go beyond the interest I have paid so far, as this does not compensate for the completely apathetic service I have received.
After 16 weeks of waiting, with no sign of the car or even a firm date by which I will receive it - is this the treatment one expects from 'India's leading car manufacturer' ? This can hardly be described as 'just-in-time' supply chain management, which other Japanese car manufacturers are known for.
Your website claims that your vision is 'creating customer delight' - I can assure you that this customer is far from delighted.
I realise that my situtation may not be unique, but I find this level of service completely unacceptable. The least I expect is to be regulary informed and compensated adequately for the delay. Delivery delays are compensated regularly with most reputed automobile manufacturers in the country and I would expect the same from Maruti. Please let me know if Maruti Udyog Limited finds this request unreasonable.
I appreciate the time you have taken to read this.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Vikram Vasu
This is the full text of my letter to Jagdish Khattar, CEO of Maruti Udyog Limited:
Dear Mr. Khattar,
It is with extreme disappointment and distress that I write to you once again, but this time I have been left with no choice. I booked a Maruti Swift VXi on June 8th 2005. The booking was made through CARS India, Chennai. At the time of booking, I was told that that approximate wait time was 8 weeks and this is mentioned on the order booking form (duly signed by the dealer). My Allotment No. is 1403-0019025.
After the initial estimated date had passed (August 8 2005, 8 weeks), I called the dealer and was duly informed that there are more delays due to 'production issues at Maruti'. I was then told that car would be delivered in September. Later this was modified to either the last week of September or first fortnight of October. I have now been told (only after I called) that I will not be receiving it in the first two weeks of October. Further, no committment has been made on when I will receive it. It is ironic that a car with a waiting period of over 16 weeks is called Swift !
What makes the delay all the more disappointing is the level of service (or the lack thereof), during this period. At no point, not even once, has anyone from the dealer to Maruti called me to inform me of the delay or explain plausible reasons for the delay. Every single time, I have had to call and find out about the delivery update (if any).
Someone known to me booked the SAME car (Swift), SAME model (VXi), from the SAME dealer (CARS India, Chennai), at the SAME date (June 8, 2005) and SAME time (7:00 pm). His Allotment No. was 19024, while mine is 19025. Only the colour is different. He received delivery of the car last Friday (September 30, 2005). While I agree that is reasonable to have some variation depending on the colour, the extent of this variance cannot be significant. Even at this point, neither the dealer nor the Maruti is able to tell me a date by which I can expect the car. Not receiving the car is bad enough, but it is completely ridiculous if I can't be told when I will receive the car, after four months of waiting. When I contacted the dealer, I was told that they have no information from Maruti about this. The dealer has forced me to speak directly to Maruti, and hence this email.
Another important fact is that the dealer has received nearly the full payment from my side (excluding registration fees). I am currently paying interest on the loan, which I took based on the estimated 8-week waiting period given by the dealer at the time of booking. I have been told that I will be compensated for the interest payments, but I am not clear about the rate of interest I will receive. The minimum I expect is the rate Maruti Finance charges for its auto loans. I also believe the compensation I receive should go beyond the interest I have paid so far, as this does not compensate for the completely apathetic service I have received.
After 16 weeks of waiting, with no sign of the car or even a firm date by which I will receive it - is this the treatment one expects from 'India's leading car manufacturer' ? This can hardly be described as 'just-in-time' supply chain management, which other Japanese car manufacturers are known for.
Your website claims that your vision is 'creating customer delight' - I can assure you that this customer is far from delighted.
I realise that my situtation may not be unique, but I find this level of service completely unacceptable. The least I expect is to be regulary informed and compensated adequately for the delay. Delivery delays are compensated regularly with most reputed automobile manufacturers in the country and I would expect the same from Maruti. Please let me know if Maruti Udyog Limited finds this request unreasonable.
I appreciate the time you have taken to read this.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Vikram Vasu
Hey buddy! , did you get the reply ?.. I'm sure you're riding your swift by now ..
Dear Mr. Jagdish Khattar,
I Brought a Swift VXI on 4th January 2006, ever since that day I have only come across setting wrong expectations from Maruti sales personals and poor service from three different Maruti service centers in Bangalore namely RNS, BIMAL and Mandovi.
The new car was deliverered to me with the interior damaged (Door pad Plastic scratches) instance of poor handling. (Car purchased from RNS Hosur road Bangalore)
The sales man sold me a 2005 Model Swift VXI telling that at the time of selling the car they only look at the year of registration and not the year of manufacturing, and now when I had planned change my car they True Value dealer tells that it is a 2005 Manufactured car hence you car will fetch Rs. 30000/- less than 2006 model.
Poor service Instances:
1. Material (Lord Ganesha idol) stuck to the car go missing at the service in RNS Motors, Hosur Road division
2. Head Light is been damaged and left loose. I have to bear the cost of Rs. 3600.00 for letting Bimal service my car.
3. The interior of the car was all left with Grease post service in Mandovi, Vijayanagar (I maintain my car with personal care and love to keep the car and its inferiors as new)
4. Quality of work is very poor. The under chassis coating service was so poor that the paint had chipped even before delivery. I had paid Rs. 3800.00 which is feel is an absolute waste of money) provided by RNS Motors, Hosur Road division
5. Service center people do not keep their word on delivery and what they are committed to.
Such false sayings, wrong commitments and poor service delivery is very unacceptable from India's leading Car maker. Apart from computers; I am a car enthusiastic and I keep myself up to date with the global and Indian automotive industry hence lot of people approch me for consultation before buying a car. The above mentioned instances will discourage me to recommend a Maruthi vehicle to my friends, colleges and relatives working in different MNCs (Hewlett Packard, Dell, Oracle, IBM, Intel, TESCO, Accenture, Agilent Technologies and I. T. I Ltd).
Best regards,
Vijay Kumar
Good for you, Vikram! Sometimes, all we need to do to get what we want is send an e-mail. Well, that was years ago. At present, many companies can be reached easily through Facebook. Even auto shops and candy stores have accounts there now! Do you have a Facebook account yourself, Vikram?
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